Goals are things you can achieve solely by your own actions. An example of this would be to lost ten pounds, which would be based on what you eat, how much you exercise, etc. There's very little chance of an outside influence preventing you from achieving that goal (except maybe death or a broken limb).
Hopes are things you want, but that you don't have total control over. An example of this would be the hope to have ten kids. Factors that influence on this would include fertility, current life situations, age, etc.
The difference between hopes and goals is all about what you can do. If you can achieve that thing all by your own action, it's a goal. If there are outside factors that matter in getting what you want, it's a hope. That definitely doesn't mean people need to just have hopes or just have goals. Hopes of being a millionaire and living on a cruise liner touring the world keep the mind full of spirit and life would be just plain sad without those far-fetched hopes. The thing is, hopes shouldn't be on your goal list. If they were, there's a very real chance that they wouldn't be achieved and it likely wouldn't be your fault.
That's why I like that Barry gave space for a list of both. This way, we think realistically and fantastically. My lists had things from all over the place, but I will name some of my park-specific items.
As I was coming in the library, I passed the bathroom door and watched an eight-year-old girl get her finger stuck in the door. When I got to her it was out, but she started crying like crazy. I don't blame her--if I were in her situation I would have been doing the same! I put my stuff down at the desk and got band aids and alcohol wipes and we went in the bathroom to clean her up while one of the librarians looked for her older sister. By the time her sister got there, the crying had died down and the finger was bandaged up, so she was super appreciative. It feels nice to help people and feel like you've played your hand in karma's favor. The little girl was probably scared to death because this stranger was helping her out, but I just tried talking to her and calming her down which worked. I think I'm going to be a pretty good mom someday. (Not any time soon though, that's for sure!)
Our third roommate moved in today and got home right as I was leaving to come here to the library. (Hooray day off!) Even though I have internet at home, I'm trying to load my China pictures to develop and it was just going way too slow. She seems to be about the same age as me and will fit in well with the two of us. Kendall has been in Colorado Springs all weekend, so I've been braving the big house by myself. Last night, I heard a mountain lion meowing/howling? close by and freaked out. I ended up reading until after midnight to try and clear my mind. This morning, I woke up to some light snow and a couple of badgers playing tag and climbing on the bumper of my car. I will have to keep an eye out for those rascals. There's a full moon tonight, so Aubrey, her roommate Lauren, and I might go on a night hike somewhere which will be exciting!
If you have any more lonely freaked out nights, don't forget you can always call! All sounds seem amplified at night and the imagination runs rampant...I know! :-)Good luck with Long's Peak...hope you will hike that one with someone else.