Today was my first solo hike day, but Dad was able to come along. On the bus on the way to the first trailhead (we left my car at a different one so it would only be a ten mile hike instead of having to go all the way back), we talked with the bus driver and the only other person on the bus--a lady from Chicago who is a teacher. While talking, we found out she has good friends in Flagstaff and she made a comment about the five degrees of separation. I really think there is something to each person is connected in a way to another. If you go with the whole Noah story or even earlier about the beginning, then we are all even more connected than we think but even without that, its hard to not see t
At a party at the guys' house next door (yes, we finally met them!!), Kendall and I met more people because it was a fire crew party and we hadn't met most of those guys. Even so, it seems like they are connected in different ways and I found out one of them who lives there actually was in my first forestry class last semester. Kendall and I have decided we are throwing something at our place on Saturday night, so hopefully we will be able to meet even more people.
We have been fitting in a lot more now. Girls are still a little hesitant, but we have been meeting lots of guys. Part of that might be because there is a shortage of girls in the park as Kendall said earlier, but we are even meeting guys from the YMCA camp which is really fun! We were going to have a movie night tonight with Connor and Shawn but changed it when we heard the plans for next door. Those two are lots of f
Tomorrow night is a BCO+1 staff party so I need to make fruit salad for that and then Wednesday night is bowling with the Y. This weeks theme is the 80s and we are going as the breakfast club with Connor, Shawn, Scott, and Patrick. If our costumes win we get cash prizes which are always welcome!
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