Thursday I got off work a little before five but didn't need to go pick up Dad from Denver until seven thirty because his flight was getting in at nine fifteen. Unfortunately, he had a seven hour layover in Salt Lake City, but I guess that's what happens when you have a free flight from frequent-flier-miles and don't get the biggest choices on your flight plan. Waiting for him to come through to the main section of the terminal, I had a fun time watching people. As they came up the escalators from the trains that bring them from the plane to the terminal, everyone looked exhausted, miserable, and irritable. The minute they saw the person waiting for them on the other side of the gate, their faces completely changed to the point where everyone seemed like they were glowing with excitement (or maybe relief to finally be done with traveling). Dad's face was no exception...until we waited at the baggage carousel only to find out his bag was still in Salt Lake City. We ended up having to wait for the next flight to arrive and didn't leave the airport until after midnight which landed us in Estes Park
Yesterday and today couldn't have been more perfect. There's something really magical about this place and I'm so happy I can finally share it with someone! Yesterday, we drove up to get the world's BEST cinammon rolls (I'm telling you...if you visit we will go there!) and then drove across the entire park. It got down to thirty-three degrees but the skies were clear blue with barely any clouds all day. We drove on a moose hunt since that's his favorite animal and found five throughout the day! At one spot, we saw a baby moose following it's parent in the most rambunctious manner. It was running and jumping and just living the carefree-moose life.
I love that animals that young (including humans) can live their lives without having to worry about the bigger things in life. Barry was talking with us during our tailgate training Wednesday afternoon about how kids have these huge thoughts and large brain spans with peripheral vision that goes forever. Through school, relations, and just growing up in general, blinders are tightened on more and more to shape people's thinking into the same patterns. We learn "right" from "wrong" and other things like that so that we fit into the stereotypical mold. It was fun to watch the baby moose jumping and running around without having to worry about being "moosely" just to fit in. Its mom just kept on eating as if everything were perfectly normal.
When we got back last night, we had chips and salsa with beers on the deck and then got into pasta action. Kendall and Christina were both home and we all sat around for the first time to have dinner together. As we were eating, someone walked along our back window that is in the dining room and it freaked me out. It ended up just being Joe and Brady (two of the guys who live in the house next door) to see if we were going out to The Rock and just wanting to come say hi. They stuck around for a beer then we all split up to get ready to go out.
The Rock is the bar where people our age, especially park and YMCA camp employees, go on Friday nights in Estes. There is always a live bluegrass band which is fun to listen to and everyone seems to know how to dance with each other. Inside is the bar and a bunch of tables with the stage and dance floor on the other end. There is a patio outside with bar tables and stools and a fire pit which is where we spent the majority of the night. Near the end, we headed inside where Christina and Kendall started dancing around individually then with some of the guys. I was much more hesitant but Connor got me out there by the end of the night. I was surprised to find out how easy it was to follow and I actually really enjoyed spinning around and just trusting him to not let me fall. Kendall laughed at me when it was over because I was both fighting it and completely smiling the entire time. It's funny how ther
We got home a little after one and then I woke up this morning to go on a hike with dad a little before seven. We hiked up thirty-four switchbacks and over two thousand feet to the top of a mountain called Twin Sisters. They are fraternal and we summited the tallest one to have lunch before the afternoon thunderstorm hit. The hike was steep but the views were amazing and well worth it. Dad took a nap when we got home and I showered and got back to work on that scrapbook. After he woke up and showered we headed into Estes for a BBQ dinner and then walking around town.
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